Los Angeles Therapist

Your Los Angeles Therapist Must Meet Your Needs

We all face issues at different points in our life, but it is how we handle these issues that set us apart as individuals. While some people can cope with their stressors, others have far more difficulty and cannot get through them. There is no reason to try to fight your way through on your own, particularly if it is negatively affecting your quality of life. Seeing a therapist can be a good answer for you, but the Los Angeles therapist you select must be someone that meets your individual needs.

Your Feelings and Choosing a Therapist in Los Angeles

Unlike when you are choosing a professional to work on your car or your plumbing, choosing a therapist is one of those times where you can be guided by your feelings. You need to feel completely at ease and comfortable with the person you select, particularly because you will be sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with this person. Since therapy largely focuses on your feelings and emotions and how they guide your personal matters, being guided by these is okay to help you select a therapist. When you interview therapists, see how you feel during and after the meeting. If something makes you feel ill at ease or uncomfortable, move on to the next candidate.

Los Angeles Therapist

The Therapist’s Philosophy

As you look for a Los Angeles therapist, taking the time to look at websites for information can help you. While you can get the background information regarding the therapist, you can also gain some insight into their approach to therapy and their philosophies on treatment. Reading over this can help you determine if this therapist’s approach seems like a good fit for your needs. You can then determine if this is a person you would like to meet with and interview before starting sessions.

A Therapist in Los Angeles to Help with Life’s Issues

When you are seeking a Los Angeles therapist to assist you with the issues you face, consider contacting us here at the office of Dr. Yvonne Thomas. Dr. Thomas has over twenty years of experience as a licensed, practicing psychotherapist and specializes in many areas so you can get the help and attention you need. Call Yvonne Thomas office at (310) 359-9450 to receive a free phone consultation with Dr. Thomas so you can see how she can meet your needs.