mental health treatment in Los Angeles

Safety, Trust, and Mental Health Treatment in Los Angeles

At Trauma and Beyond Psychological Center ®, they know that you have many different options for mental health treatment in Los Angeles. If you search for “mental health treatment near me” or something similar, you’re liable to come up with hundreds (or more) responses. When they established Trauma and Beyond ®  they did so with the goal of creating a program of excellence. They realized that many programs which stated they were mental health / trauma programs, were treating trauma as a side note. Or were not understanding that underneath mental health issues are trauma issues. Sometimes even their clients did not recognize the roots of their trauma because trauma can have many faces. It can be the more obvious experiences  of emotional, physical or sexual abuse, but it can also occur with those who may have had parents who worked too much, who were neglected, or bullied, or had issues that made them feel different as children.

mental health treatment in Los Angeles

At Trauma and Beyond ® their therapists are all licensed experts in the trauma field. This means that the core of their training is about learning how to establish safety and trust in the treatment fields. They have worked to create a safe environment for mental health treatment as well as a team of therapists who are relationally oriented and who know how to create a sense of safety in the room.

Read the complete blog here.