Spotting Services

Spotting Services to Make Warehouse Operations Effective

Companies may not realize how much time they spend locating trailers or that congestion issues as trailers are unloaded or loaded can influence warehouse operations. Any congestion can severely affect productivity. With many parties and tasks to coordinate, a seamless transition is critical and spotting services are essential to the efficient yard and warehouse management. They help with the flow of inventory entering and leaving the warehouse with a combination of experienced drivers, logistics personnel, and yard management software.

Optimize the flow of goods through the yard

Spotters optimize how trailers move through the yard and improve communications between facility operators and drivers to mitigate disruptions and enhance distribution. Outside spotters help to prepare the dock doors and trailers for unloading and loading. Inside spotters ensure that the dock is safe, secure, and prepared with the correct equipment.

Read more about spotting services at EGA Logistics.