When colleagues are caught in the middle of a passive-aggressive workplace dispute that might seem only one move chair away from an all-out brawl in the middle of the office, it might seem as though nothing can bring colleagues together. If you are interested in helping to resolve issues like this, then taking one of our accredited mediation training courses could be the best way to learn how to ease irritated colleagues out of their disputes, giving them the opportunity to air their disagreement, and finding a way to bring the two parties together.
What Is So Special About Mediation?
You may have already experienced some kind of conflict resolution in your workplace, typically as a result of legal disputes where you had to go to a formal meeting with the aggrieved parties. Mediation is different from this; in that it allows the two parties to come together with the assistance of a completely impartial third party. You, as the mediator, are not there to take a side, to assign one person as being correct and the other as being out of line. In fact, you are not there to tell them what they should be thinking at all. You help them to resolve their differences by bringing them together, not by dividing them into right or wrong.
Am I Right For This Type Of Course?
You might think that this type of problem solving requires a special set of skills, and the ability to judge others, but in fact we believe that simply having an open mind and being able to problem solve can be the key to successful mediation. Preventing the sides from criticizing each other until they get overemotional will be the only real skill that you need, everything else can be learned via our courses.
Start Your Mediation Training Today
If you think that your workplace could benefit from a qualified mediator, then you should look at Edwards Mediation Academy today. Our accredited mediation training courses other key to starting a new career in mediation, or improving your existing career by learning a new set of skills. You can start today using our online learning packages to complete our courses in your own time. To start studying with us today, you should contact us online now. For further questions, or to find out more about mediation, call us at (877) 927-1362 today.