We all face many problems each day; it is how we learn to approach them and deal with them that can make the difference with you and make your life happier and more productive. So many of us today feel stressed each day and face anxiety because you worry about family, your career, your relationships and more. These feelings of stress can interfere with how you live your life each day and make getting out of bed and facing the world unbearable for you. What you need is to find a way to handle the stress and anxiety that goes beyond the typical answers doctors often offer in the forms of prescription medication. You can find new and helpful solutions with the help of a psychologist in Santa Monica like her, Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D.
Learn More about Yourself with a Psychologist
A good psychologist is going to help you get on the path where you can learn more about yourself and your life so that you know how to face the challenges life presents to you each day. You can take the time to talk about yourself, the feelings you deal with each day and how they interfere with the way you want to live your life. Sessions with me will assist you in seeing what may be the causes of the stress and anxiety you feel in your life so that you can understand these feelings better, know where they come from and then we can develop a plan together that can help you deal with them properly and successfully.
A Psychologist to Help You Find the Tools to Success
As your psychologist in Santa Monica, Yvonne thomas can help you discover what the best tools are for you to face your daily challenges with success so that you can continue to thrive and grow in life. She takes the approach that each patient is unique and different and needs a different approach to life to cope with life in the best way possible and create a more stable life for themselves. Sessions with her can assist you in learning the proper tools and techniques that work best for you.
Consult with the Right Psychologist
When you need a psychologist in Santa Monica that can help you find the right direction and peace in your life, please consider contacting her, Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. You can receive a free initial phone consultation with her when you call 310-359-9450 so that we can discuss the issues you face and you can learn how coming in to meet with her for sessions can help you discover how you can face life and overcome the challenges.