When you own or operate a hotel, whether it is large or small, you probably hear constant comparisons made by your guests to their experiences at other hotels. Some may talk about the room or space in general, while others refer to specific amenities they get in their rooms. Something that is often talked about is the comfort of the pillows and pillowcases, and many popular hotels have become known for the choices and comforts they offer their guests. You too can get GOTS Certified Pillows that your guests will love when you choose the right pillowcases to use for your pillows.
A More Comfortable Pillow
The cases that you use for your pillows can make a big difference in comfort for your guests. Cheaper cases that are not made well or make use of synthetic materials can be thin, scratchy and uncomfortable to use. You may even find that certain guests have an allergic reaction to them. They might end up complaining of rashes or irritation because of the chemicals used to treat the cotton in the cases. Finding cases that are made of high-quality organic cotton can provide your guests with a more comfortable experience.
Get GOTS Certified Pillows to Enhance Marketing
When you have a quality experience like a guest might get from GOTS Certified Pillows, it gives you the chance to enhance the marketing of your hotel. You can advertise that your pillowcases and linens are made from sustainable, environmentally-friendly, organic cotton. Thus, you can open yourself up to a wider potential customer base. More people today are looking for amenities in a hotel that are “green”. And this can be the ideal opportunity for you to do let people know your place is like this.
Getting the Best for Your Pillows
If you want to give your guests a great experience with GOTS Certified Pillows, then you want to turn to Green Suites Hotel Solutions. They can provide you with a variety of organic, GOTS-certified linens. They will make the bedding in your hotel more luxurious comfortable and better for guests and the environment. Look at the linens they offer online and place your order today. You can also phone at (800) 224-4228 to speak with their staff. Find out how they can help you have a more eco-friendly and comfortable hotel for everyone.