Cosmetic surgery is on the rise in the West, with a growing number of people choosing to have body shaping treatments in order to look good. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that for 2018, nearly 18 million people in the US chose to have some form of cosmetic procedure. This report means that the use of cosmetic surgery has risen by 250, 000 since 2017, and follows other statistics and suggesting that there is a growing trend towards cosmetic surgery. The report also showed that my posts and was second only to breast augmentation in terms of a number of operations, only outshined by other types of minimally invasive procedures such as Botox. There is also some explanation for why people are demanding to have various types of liposuction, including Vaser in Los Angeles and other big cities. The British equivalent of the ASPS suggested this year that one of the reasons for this rise was a trend for athletic clothing such as Yoga leggings “driving consumers to go to extreme measures [liposuction] to achieve the body-conscious look”. Fashionistas were so keen to wear this outfit style that they skipped going to the gym and went straight for body thinning measures such as liposuction.
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