
Should I See a Therapist for My Anxiety?

This is a common thought for people that struggle with anxiety. It might even cause you to have worsened anxiety symptoms. But, you’re here to learn if you should seek help. Some of your anxiety issues might seem like a red flag that’s telling you it’s time to talk to a professional. Yet, not everyone’s anxiety manifests in the same way. If you’re dealing with anxiety and you’re just not certain then take these signs into consideration and see if they relate to your current situation:

Engaging in “Safety Behaviors”

These are the kinds of behaviors that help you entirely avoid the thing that’s causing you anxiety. This could manifest in the form of taking the long way to drive to a store because the main road freaks you out too much. It could something as simple as avoiding eye contact in stressful social situations. It could mean turning your phone onto silent to intentionally miss a call that’s stressing you out. 

Not doing things

If your anxiety is causing you to intentionally skip out on the activities and social circles you once enjoyed, it may have reached a point where it would be best to seek help to manage it. This could mean that you no longer can do the things you once loved like shopping with friends, speaking up in a work meeting, visiting with your family, etc or that doing so causes you extreme stress. 

You can’t leave home

You might need to see a therapist if your anxiety has gotten so bad that you can’t leave home. If you are struggling to leave home or refuse to you can always opt to have remote therapy sessions and then work your way up to seeing a therapist in person if you wish.

Can’t stop worrying


If you are chronically and constantly worried and it can last for hours. And it also manifests into physical symptoms like an inability to concentrate, trouble sleeping and muscle clenching.

You regularly worry about the future and make mountains out of molehills

If you are regularly and constantly worried about your future it could cause you to freeze up and become inactive and disinterested in doing what’s best for yourself. You also may be prone to making small issues into massive problems.

You have a restrictive phobia

If you have anxiety levels that have reached a high point, you may be having symptoms of restrictive phobia. This is the kind of phobia that stops you from participating in activities. If you’re scared of driving, you never drive. Or afraid of water, so you never swim, etc.

If you are experiencing any of the anxiety symptoms it may be best to consult with a therapist.  Keep in mind that with today’s modern technology you don’t have to have an in-person session. You can make a schedule that fits your day to day life while talking online therapy sessions with the team of So Psyched via chat or video. If you think that you don’t have time for a therapist, that might be your anxiety trying to convince you.