A bay window is one of the designs that can be tricky to fit a curtain. Thankfully, a bendable curtain track can be used in this setup. The Flex Tracks offers a wide range of tracks that are made of the highest quality materials. You may choose to install the flexible track yourself or opt to have it customized by our designers.
Installing Bendable Curtain Track in a Bay Window
Hanging a curtain on a bay window can be quite tricky. You need the right track that can entirely cover the area for privacy and control of lights coming in. When choosing the right track, though, it’s vital to consider the size and function of the window. Most of all, the track must be easy to use. That is, if you need to pull the curtains into place, you can do so without difficulty. With a bendable curtain track, the sliders can move freely without interruption when you need to pull curtains. And if you need to change the curtains, it will be easy with this track.
Read more about the bendable curtain track at The Flextracks.